Order Procedures

Order Procedures

1. To enquire/ purchase, email me at jexxyboi@gmail.com
2. A confirmation mail with payment details/ reply will be sent within 24 hours.
*Payment must be made in 24hours otherwise purchase rights will be issued to the next interested

3. Take a photo of the receipt with your email address and name written on it and send it to
jexxyboi@gmail.com Email entitled "PAYMENT"
Payment Confirmation:
Date/ Time of Transfer:
Amount Transferred:
Reference No. :
Scanned receipts will not be accepted due to possibility of fraudIf the machine does not issue receipts, please transfer an additional $0.01/ 0.02 to differentiate
your payment

4. A confirmation will be sent to your email.

5. Your orders & preorder status will be updated on this blog whenever I have updates 

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